Rusty Kodet

Select Year

2011 Scores

Masters Men Scores

Date Game Braemar Stone Open Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Heavy Hammer Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB Points Seasonal
2011 Best 14'-8.5" 18'-7.5" 16'-5.5" 23'-7.5" 36'-2" 44'-7" 12:00 8'-0" 2152 (2988) 2988
July 16 Flagstaff Highland Games 14'-8.5" 18'-7.5" 16'-5.5" 23'-7.5" 36'-2" 44'-7" 12:00 8'-0" 2152 (2988) 2988
February 26 Arizona Scottish Highland Games and Celtic Gathering 13'-6" 17'-6" 14'-5.5" 22'-2" 33'-9" 44'-6" 12:30 1839 (2649) 2427
February 26 Arizona Scottish Highland Games and Celtic Gathering 13'-6" 17'-6" 14'-5.5" 22'-2" 33'-9" 44'-6" 12:30 7'-0" 1983 (2793) 2793