The Athlete Profile Page


Every athlete in our system has a dedicated athlete page. This page serves as a showcase for your accomplishments and allows you to view information about other athletes.

Page Structure

1. Athlete Name

  • The top of the page displays the athlete's name, clearly identifying whose profile you're viewing.
  • If you have selected your Country its flag will appear after your name. See Update Athlete Information.

2. Custom Bio

  • Athletes can write a personalized bio about themselves.
  • This information is compiled and made available to Game Directors for any game the athlete has participated in.
  • Purpose:
    • Allow athletes to highlight their achievements
    • Provide Game Directors with interesting facts to mention during events

Bio Features

  • Markdown compatible: You can include links and photos. See our Image tool for more
  • Example usage: Promote your social media, business, or other relevant links
  • Note: All content must be legal and appropriate

3. Year Selector

  • Choose a specific year to view scores from that period
  • Options include:
    • Individual years (only years with recorded scores are shown)
    • "Best Overall" option: Displays the sum of best scores across all time and for each year

4. Scores Section

  • Updated based on the selected year
  • "Update Profile" link: Available when viewing your own profile while signed in
  • Director Page link: Shown if the athlete is linked to a game director account


  • Allows athletes to showcase their achievements
  • Provides valuable information to Game Directors
  • Enhances spectator experience by giving directors more content to discuss during events

Technical Notes

  • Bio section uses Markdown syntax
  • Illegal content is strictly prohibited and will be reported to authorities

Example Bio Content

[Matthew McDougal]( is the owner of [The Barn Gym]( in VA and a host of the [Goin' Rogue]( podcast. He is a professional Mas wrestler, Arm wrestler, and most importantly Highland Games athlete.

For more information on how to format your bio using Markdown, please refer to the Markdown Basic Syntax Guide.