Dan Eccles

Select Year

2024 Scores

Novice Scores

Date Game Braemar Stone Open Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Heavy Hammer Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB Points Seasonal
2024 Best 24'-11" 33'-4.5" 24'-4.5" 43'-3.5" 67'-6" 90'-4" 12:00 26'-0" 12'-0" 4421 (5257) 5257
November 02 Huntington Weather Fest 24'-11" 33'-4.5" 24'-4.5" 43'-3.5" 67'-6" 90'-4" 12:00 26'-0" 12'-0" 4421 (5257) 5257

Amateur Men Scores

Date Game Braemar Stone Open Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Heavy Hammer Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB Points Seasonal
2024 Best 29'-10" 35'-0" 26'-6" 48'-2" 73'-10" 91'-9" 12:00 27'-6" 13'-0" 4607 (5443) 5631
October 19 11th Annual Mountain Home Highland Games and World Fair 25'-7" 32'-1" 26'-6" 46'-8.5" 64'-11.5" 87'-7.5" 12:00 26'-0" 12'-0" 4280 (5116) 5291
September 21 The Brazen Gathering 26'-10" 35'-0" 21'-8" 41'-5" 73'-0.5" 83'-4.5" 12:15 27'-6" 12'-6" 4297 (5120) 5302
September 21 The Brazen Gathering 26'-10" 35'-0" 21'-8" 41'-5" 73'-0.5" 83'-4.5" 12:15 27'-6" 3688 (4511) 4647
August 03 Highland Fling 28'-1" 34'-3.25" 22'-4.25" 41'-9" 64'-1.75" 88'-4.25" 22'-0" 13'-0" 4187 (4187) 4350
July 13 Payson Scottish Festival 26'-6" 30'-4.5" 24'-9" 47'-4" 73'-10" 89'-10.5" 12:00 25'-0" 11'-0" 4252 (5088) 5257
June 22 San Diego Highland Games - SAAA 27'-7" 34'-2" 23'-10.5" 47'-11" 70'-10" 91'-3" 3:00 20'-0" 11'-0" 4190 (4867) 5016
June 15 Utah Scottish Festival Day 2 27'-3.75" 31'-8" 22'-7.25" 42'-8.75" 72'-1.25" 91'-0.75" 12:30 18'-0" 12'-0" 4078 (4888) 5031
May 18 Black and White Days 27'-8" 30'-0" 24'-4" 45'-11" 66'-0.25" 91'-9" 11:30 20'-0" 10'-0" 4033 (4843) 4989
April 12 Redstone Highland Games 29'-10" 33'-5" 24'-1" 48'-2" 64'-2" 81'-0" 21'-0" 10'-0" 4091 (4091) 4243
March 16 14th Annual Ft Boise Highland Games and 5K Fell Race 24'-11" 32'-0" 22'-1.5" 42'-3" 59'-3" 79'-2" 19'-0" 11'-0" 3821 (3821) 3965