Daniel Tennison

Select Year

2019 Scores

Pro Men Scores

Date Game Braemar Stone Open Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Heavy Hammer Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB Points Seasonal
2019 Best 44'-3" 56'-0.5" 42'-9.75" 83'-0" 107'-3" 135'-1" 12:00 31'-0" 17'-0" 6809 (7809) 7956
September 20 New Hampshire Highland Games and Festival (World Championships) 37'-9.25" 56'-0.5" 42'-9.75" 73'-3" 92'-0" 125'-10" 11:00 17'-0" 5574 (6514) 6625
August 31 Pleasanton Scottish Games 38'-4.5" 50'-7" 40'-9" 83'-0" 103'-8.5" 128'-1.75" 12:00 15'-0" 5565 (6565) 6671
August 31 Pleasanton Challenge events 12:00 28'-0" 746 (1746) 1774
August 09 Fergus Highland Games 40'-11" 37'-1" 80'-3" 104'-1.5" 125'-11" 1:00 27'-0" 16'-0" 5276 (6216) 6327
August 03 Detroit Highland Games 52'-3" 79'-10" 100'-7" 12:00 16'-0" 3182 (4182) 4250
June 29 38th Annual Alaska Scottish Highland Games 42'-2.5" 55'-8.5" 40'-4.75" 75'-11.25" 102'-2.75" 123'-2" 11:55 26'-0" 16'-0" 6346 (7341) 7475
June 08 Utah Scottish Festival - Saturday 44'-3" 55'-2.5" 39'-3" 77'-5.5" 104'-3" 132'-6" 12:00 17'-0" 5802 (6802) 6916
May 25 2019 Scottish Fest 42'-9.75" 55'-5.75" 39'-10.5" 80'-4" 12:00 30'-0" 16'-0" 4943 (5943) 6081
May 18 Victoria International Heavy Events Challenge 40'-2.25" 53'-1.5" 41'-5.25" 80'-7" 106'-1.5" 128'-3" 11:50 31'-0" 17'-0" 6574 (7564) 7709
May 10 Texas Scottish Festival 42'-3.5" 54'-6.5" 38'-9.5" 80'-5.5" 107'-3" 135'-1" 12:00 30'-0" 16'-0" 6564 (7564) 7703
April 27 Woodland Celtic Festival and Games 41'-7.5" 52'-9" 38'-5.5" 77'-1" 102'-3" 122'-11" 2:00 28'-0" 15'-0" 6262 (7142) 7276
February 16 Queen Mary ScotsFest 42'-4.5" 55'-6.5" 40'-3" 78'-7" 95'-6.5" 12:00 27'-0" 17'-0" 5615 (6615) 6754