Harold McNutt

Select Year

2016 Scores

Masters Men Scores

Date Game Braemar Stone Open Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Heavy Hammer Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB Points Seasonal
2016 Best 28'-4" 33'-0" 26'-2" 41'-8.5" 64'-9.5" 79'-4" 12:30 22'-0" 13'-0" 4358 (5168) 5168
October 15 3rd Annual Ozark Mountain Highland Games 25'-0" 32'-0.5" 26'-2" 38'-5" 62'-3" 79'-4" 12'-0" 3558 (3558) 3558
September 24 McPherson Highland Games and Scottish Festival 24'-8" 30'-7.5" 24'-0.5" 41'-8.5" 57'-10.5" 72'-1.5" 12'-0" 3502 (3502) 3441
September 24 McPherson Highland Games and Scottish Festival 24'-8" 30'-7.5" 24'-1.5" 41'-8.5" 57'-10.5" 72'-1.5" 12'-0" 3443 (3443) 3443
September 16 OKScotFest 24'-2" 22'-1" 69'-5" 2:00 22'-0" 12'-0" 2631 (3366) 3366
August 06 Topeka Highland Games 28'-4" 30'-1" 24'-5" 36'-5" 53'-1" 67'-9" 12:30 18'-0" 13'-0" 3949 (4759) 4759
July 16 Heart of America Highland Games 24'-10" 28'-8" 24'-5" 35'-7" 60'-0" 74'-3" 70 20'-0" 12'-0" 3939 (4465) 4465
July 16 Heart of America Highland Games 24'-10" 28'-8" 24'-5" 35'-7" 60'-0" 74'-3" 12:30 18'-0" 12'-0" 3898 (4708) 4694
June 18 Joplin Highland Games 25'-5" 29'-5" 26'-2" 34'-4.75" 56'-9" 18'-0" 12'-0" 3436 (3436) 3436
June 18 Joplin Highland Games 25'-5" 29'-5" 26'-2" 34'-3.5" 56'-9" 18'-0" 12'-0" 3395 (3395) 3435
June 11 Kansas City SHG and US Class A IHGF Caber Championships 25'-6.5" 24'-7" 36'-7" 69'-4" 9:45 20'-0" 13'-0" 3085 (3808) 3808
May 13 Texas Scottish Festival 24'-9" 30'-2" 20'-6" 37'-1" 72'-6" 80 12'-0" 2883 (3484) 3484
April 30 The Iron Thistle 26'-9" 33'-0" 18'-3" 32'-11" 64'-9.5" 72'-3.5" 2:00 11'-0" 3318 (4053) 4053
April 30 The Iron Thistle 26'-6.5" 33'-0" 18'-3" 32'-11" 64'-9.5" 72'-3.5" 2:00 11'-0" 3407 (4142) 4048
April 23 Wichita Highland Games 25'-2" 31'-2.75" 23'-3.25" 32'-9.5" 57'-4.75" 70'-7" 70 20'-0" 11'-0" 3841 (4367) 4367
April 23 Wichita Highland Games 22'-2" 31'-2.75" 23'-3.75" 32'-9.5" 57'-4.75" 70'-7" 70 20'-0" 11'-0" 3794 (4320) 4303