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Niagara Celtic Festival
Date: 9/15/2024 - 9/16/2024
Location: Lockport, NY

Masters 60-69
Athlete Place Games
Caber Sheaf
Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Score Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts
Steven Profitt 1 12 28'-3" 609 32'-5" 514 29'-3" 587 48'-10" 521 1.00 10 30'-0" 831 13'-0" 647
Michael Dibbley 2 17 26'-0" 560 29'-5" 466 28'-3" 567 45'-0" 480 12.01 117 26'-0" 721 13'-0" 647
Jim Macdonald 3 18 24'-9" 533 28'-4" 449 29'-2" 585 42'-9" 456 12.15 118 28'-0" 776 13'-0" 647
Gary Buchanan 4 32 22'-10" 492 27'-10" 441 20'-9" 416 35'-4" 377 1.30 13 26'-0" 721 11'-0" 548
Chuck Livingston 5 35 22'-0" 474 26'-8" 423 18'-10" 378 23'-10" 254 12.02 117 24'-0" 665 11'-0" 548
Michael g Watson 6 44 19'-5" 418 23'-6" 373 18'-8" 375 28'-4" 302 55 535 22'-0" 610 10'-0" 498
Paul Helfenstein 7 52 15'-11" 343 17'-4" 275 16'-4" 328 25'-6" 272 55 535 18'-0" 499
Notes: the emmil stone was thrown 68# Jim M 12' 6" The keg was thrown for height Michael D 16'
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