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Charleston Highland Games
Date: 11/5/2022
Location: Charleston, SC

Athlete Place Games
Caber Sheaf
Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Score Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts
Ross Alewine 1 14 33'-3" 527 21'-9" 436 46'-7" 497 68'-9" 552 12:00 836 28'-0" 776 14'-0" 697
Caleb Fairey 2 19.5 32'-6" 515 22'-9" 457 51'-8" 552 71'-0" 570 11:30 811 24'-0" 665 11'-0" 548
Ryan Wilk 3 20 28'-7" 453 23'-11" 480 49'-2" 525 63'-7" 510 12:00 836 26'-0" 721 12'-0" 598
Paul Knightly 4 28 26'-7" 421 21'-11" 440 47'-0" 502 66'-7" 534 1:00 786 24'-0" 665 12'-0" 598
Wes Mayeux 5 41.5 25'-8" 407 20'-0" 401 44'-8" 477 55'-6" 445 12:00 836 24'-0" 665 11'-0" 548
Cliff Mcleod 6 44 27'-5" 435 14'-11" 299 44'-3" 472 63'-10" 512 35 263 12'-0" 598
Brian Cavender 7 45.5 25'-11" 411 18'-6" 371 35'-7" 380 62'-5" 501 12:00 836 22'-0" 610 11'-0" 548
David Hall 8 50.5 26'-2" 415 18'-10" 378 46'-7" 497 55'-6" 445 45 339
Jason King 9 58 24'-1" 382 20'-10" 418 43'-0" 459 52'-7" 422 11'-0" 548
James Alderman 10 64 23'-0" 365 16'-3" 326 35'-3" 376 49'-2" 395 30 226 22'-0" 610
Notes: Judges JW Stafinski and Mike Gordon.
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Amateur Super A
Athlete Place Games
Caber Sheaf WFH
Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Score Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts
Thor Gylfason 1 8 37'-2" 589 31'-8.5" 636 71'-6" 763 84'-1" 675 12:00 836 32'-0" 887 13'-0" 647
Jeremy Robinson 2 20.5 31'-8" 502 31'-3" 627 58'-1" 620 83'-6" 670 12:45 798 30'-0" 831 12'-0" 598
Brian Burnett 3 22 34'-8" 550 28'-5" 570 55'-7" 593 74'-1" 594 40 301 30'-0" 831 13'-0" 647
Brett Bracken 4 28.5 30'-11" 490 29'-1" 584 57'-6" 614 73'-9" 592 55 414 28'-0" 776 12'-0" 598
Derek Wilcox 5 29.5 32'-0" 507 28'-5" 570 54'-7" 583 67'-3" 540 12:00 836 28'-0" 776 12'-0" 598
Brent Burnett 6 38.5 28'-0" 444 26'-5.5" 531 48'-11" 522 72'-6" 582 50 376 24'-0" 665 12'-0" 598
Notes: Judges Scott Medlin and Jeff Crouch.
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Athlete Place Games
Caber Sheaf WFH
Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Score Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts
Callie Snead 1 15 28'-10" 457 22'-8" 455 42'-3.5" 452 57'-1" 379 12:30 877 15'-0" 416 12'-1" 602
Jessica Alderman 2 24 28'-4" 449 21'-2.5" 426 39'-9.5" 425 56'-11" 378 45 366 17'-0" 471 11'-1" 552
Katrina Chandler 3 24.5 26'-10" 425 20'-2.5" 406 40'-9" 435 58'-5.5" 388 10:00 796 15'-0" 416 10'-1" 502
Kristin Miller 4 36.5 29'-10" 473 23'-6.5" 472 36'-8" 391 50'-6" 335 15 122 13'-0" 360 10'-1" 502
Stephanie Jowers 5 38.5 24'-4.5" 386 21'-5" 430 38'-5" 410 50'-10" 337 45 366 15'-0" 416 8'-10" 440
Tiffany Anderson 6 40.5 24'-9" 392 27'-3" 547 41'-0" 438 49'-4" 327 45 366 11'-0" 305 8'-10" 440
Sarah Shipman 7 42.5 25'-11" 411 16'-9.5" 337 36'-6" 390 54'-9.5" 363 20 163 15'-0" 416 8'-10" 440
Mac Norred 8 44 28'-8" 454 21'-2" 425 30'-7.5" 327 50'-8" 336 30 244 13'-0" 360 8'-10" 440
Rebecca Miller 9 55.5 26'-0" 412 13'-10" 278 32'-2" 343 53'-0" 352 13'-0" 360 8'-10" 440
Camryn Jowers 10 70.5 20'-5" 324 14'-4" 288 25'-5" 271 38'-4.5" 255 5 41 11'-0" 305 8'-10" 440
Katie Cooper 11 72.5 21'-9.5" 345 12'-1.5" 243 29'-3" 312 33'-10" 224 11'-0" 305
Notes: Judges Todd McDougall and Ed Holcombe Jr.
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Women A
Athlete Place Games
Caber Sheaf WFH
Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Score Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts
Adriane Wilson 1 7 41'-9" 662 41'-6" 833 67'-6" 721 86'-0" 570 12:15 853 28'-0" 776 15'-0" 747
Mandi Hart 2 14 33'-1" 524 35'-1.5" 705 64'-8" 690 76'-6" 507 1:00 814 26'-0" 721 14'-0" 697
Kylie Frazier 3 21 32'-4" 513 30'-2" 605 55'-5" 592 70'-5" 467 60 468 24'-0" 665 13'-0" 647
Morgan King 4 32.5 31'-9" 503 28'-8" 575 52'-4" 559 64'-4" 427 35 273 11'-0" 548
Christine Giblin 5 38.5 30'-1" 477 25'-0" 502 45'-5" 485 58'-8.5" 389 40 312 21'-0" 582 11'-0" 548
Christy Mull 6 40 25'-1" 398 26'-7.5" 534 44'-5" 474 58'-0.5" 385 30 234 21'-0" 582 11'-0" 548
Heather Haddock 7 42 53'-8" 573 65'-11" 437 50 390 24'-0" 665 11'-0" 548
Notes: Judges Scott Medlin and Jeff Crouch. Heather got in late so her numbers are for NASGA only.
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