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Chicago Highland Games
Date: 6/15/2018 - 6/16/2018
Location: Itasca, IL

Athlete Place Games

21' 160#
Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Score Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts
Spencer Tyler 1 8 52'-2.5" 828 45'-9" 918 86'-4.5" 922 107'-5" 862 12:00 1000 31'-0" 859 17'-0" 846
Braidy Miller 2 28.5 43'-7.5" 692 36'-8.5" 737 78'-5.5" 838 105'-7" 847 12:00 1000 28'-0" 776 15'-0" 747
John Pilling 3 30.5 50'-10" 806 37'-11" 761 76'-11.5" 822 99'-4.5" 797 11:00 940 28'-0" 776 15'-0" 747
Kevin Becker 4 34 42'-7" 675 39'-1" 784 83'-4" 890 93'-8" 752 88 792 28'-0" 776 16'-0" 797
Charles Kasson 5 35 45'-11" 728 38'-8" 776 71'-10.5" 767 102'-2.5" 820 1:00 940 28'-0" 776 16'-0" 797
Jeff Kaste 6 36.5 48'-6.5" 769 39'-7" 794 77'-8.5" 830 103'-10" 833 85 765 25'-0" 693 15'-0" 747
Jeremy Gillingham 7 46.5 49'-7" 786 35'-9.5" 718 74'-7" 796 87'-2.5" 700 1:00 940 25'-0" 693 14'-0" 697
Sean Urquhart 8 49 48'-6.5" 769 36'-5" 731 73'-9" 787 92'-4" 741 88 792 25'-0" 693 14'-0" 697
Luke Crowley 9 57 46'-1" 731 74'-7.5" 797 90'-8" 728 65 585 15'-0" 747
Nathan Parker 10 60 46'-2.5" 732 31'-3" 627 70'-4" 751 82'-3" 660 20 180 25'-0" 693 14'-0" 697
Notes: It was a swamp: Caber buried in 8-10in, sheaf gained weight faster than Neis Spencer Tyler won the 1st Annual Brian Oldfield Open Stone World Championship
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