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Bracebridge Highland Game
Date: 8/21/2010
Location: Bracebridge, ON  Canada

Athlete Place Games

Caber Sheaf
Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Score Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts
Josh Goldthorpe 1 39'-1" 620 31'-9" 639 64'-10" 697 95'-7" 767 114'-2.5" 758 10 836 13'-0" 647
Lance Barusch 2 37'-8" 597 30'-11.5" 623 61'-1" 657 94'-9" 760 111'-11.5" 743 8 669 26'-0" 726 13'-0" 647
Dean Curtis 3 36'-2" 573 32'-11" 663 64'-0" 688 87'-3" 700 103'-0" 683 7 585 30'-0" 837 13'-0" 647
Paul Boundy 4 37'-1.5" 589 30'-9.5" 620 66'-7.5" 716 80'-11.5" 650 98'-0" 650 9 752 13'-0" 647
Jason Baines 5 37'-5" 593 26'-7.5" 536 63'-3" 680 96'-11" 778 119'-10.5" 795 6 502 12'-0" 598
Jacob Fast 6 39'-9" 630 26'-2.5" 528 55'-7" 597 82'-10" 665 104'-2" 691 5 418 12'-0" 598
Joe Hall 7 38'-3.5" 607 29'-1" 586 59'-3.5" 637 80'-1" 643 94'-3.5" 625 1 84 22'-0" 614 12'-0" 598
Joe Slobodzian 8 35'-2" 557 28'-10.5" 581 58'-6" 629 79'-1.5" 635 90'-8" 601 4 334 14'-0" 697
Ray Siochowicz 9 32'-11.5" 522 27'-1" 545 52'-5" 563 70'-2" 563 88'-7.5" 588 2 167 28'-0" 781 11'-0" 548
Todd Turnbull 10 31'-8" 502 22'-9" 458 45'-5" 488 71'-11.5" 577 80'-2.5" 532 3 251 11'-0" 548
Notes: This was the first Canadian Amateur Championship. Sheaf not scored in overall. Two different cabers were used - first one as qualifier for second.
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