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IHGF Challenge events
Date: 7/19/2009 - 7/19/2009
Location: Antigonish, NS  Canada

Athlete Place Games
21'6 135
Score Pts Dist Pts
Mike Zolkiewicz 12:15(1) 1000
Larry Brock 12:45(3) 970
Will Barron 30'-0" 837
Lyle Barron 12:30(2) 985 30'-0" 837
Sean Betz 32'-0" 893
Notes: 20lb Sheaf, 1st-Sean Betz, 2nd-Lyle Barron, 3rd-Will Barron Challenge Caber, 1st-Mike Zolkiewicz, 2nd-Lyle Barron, 3rd-Larry Brock
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