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North/South Challenge
Date: 11/16/2008
Location: jackson, LA

Amateur Super A
Athlete Place Games

21'@ 120#
Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Score Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts
Chad Gustin 1 59 44'-8" 708 35'-9" 720 73'-0" 785 95'-0" 762 9:30 733 26'-0" 726 15'-0" 747
Drew Kirchen 2 56 44'-1.5" 699 35'-7.5" 717 69'-10" 751 101'-9" 816 3:00 707 28'-0" 781 15'-0" 747
Jeremy Gillingham 3 44 52'-6.5" 833 34'-7.5" 697 71'-5" 768 91'-4.5" 733 50 388 28'-0" 781 12'-0" 598
Kevin Dupuis 3 44 45'-10.5" 727 36'-0" 725 70'-3" 755 91'-1.5" 731 55 427 24'-0" 670 13'-0" 647
Nathan Burchett 5 39 43'-10.5" 696 33'-7" 676 70'-6.5" 758 95'-3.5" 765 12:30 836 22'-0" 614 13'-0" 647
Rob Schultz 6 36 41'-4.5" 656 34'-3.5" 690 72'-7" 780 82'-2.5" 660 50 388 26'-0" 726 14'-0" 697
Myles Wetzel 7 33 44'-0.5" 698 32'-6" 654 59'-11" 644 78'-7" 631 65 504 26'-0" 726 15'-0" 747
Chris Leming 8 31.5 39'-2.5" 622 34'-10" 701 72'-10.5" 783 85'-6.5" 686 40 310 22'-0" 614 14'-0" 697
Michael Dickens 9 31 46'-10" 742 33'-8.5" 679 64'-8" 695 86'-9.5" 696 70 543 12'-0" 598
Doug Ballard 10 11.5 37'-2" 589 22'-11" 461 53'-6" 575 66'-3" 532 40 310 22'-0" 614 12'-0" 598
Notes: SOUTH TEAM WINS!!!! 203.5 to 181.5 Field was soaked. Sheaf was soaked.
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