Soldier Hollow Classic Pentathlon Competition

On 2004-09-06

Location: None None, None


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Historic Scores
Athlete Name Light WFD Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB
Jeff Loosle 53'-0" 94'-2" 2 26'-0" 23'-0"
Chad Lord 56'-5" 93'-0" 4 26'-0" 22'-0"
Josh Wiggins 50'-5" 91'-0" 1 26'-0" 18'-0"
Douglas Robbins 50'-1.25" 87'-9.5" 3 12'-0" 21'-0"
Mike Shaw 47'-2" 87'-7" 8 22'-0" 16'-0"
Shaun Nay 45'-0" 83'-6" 8 22'-0" 16'-0"
Jimmy Johnson 44'-3" 76'-8" 22'-0" 18'-0"
John Springer 39'-2" 82'-7" 8 20'-0" 18'-0"
Andy Akins 40'-5" 72'-1" 5 18'-0" 16'-0"
Matt Thomas 39'-8" 79'-8" 22'-0" 16'-0"
Sean Ajax 43'-10" 64'-11" 18'-0" 18'-0"
Brian Dixon 38'-2" 73'-8" 20'-0" 18'-0"
Daniel Hamilton 39'-0" 78'-11" 20'-0" 16'-0"
Dale Thomas 29'-9" 54'-2" 14'-0" 12'-0"