Game Page

Overall Purpose:

  • Show details about a game including name, date(s), location, and description.
  • Indicate if registration is open and provide a link to sign up (if logged in).
  • If logged in and authorized, show options to view the game dashboard or manage athletes.
  • Display a table of athletes competing in the game, including their scores (if available).
  • Optionally show historic scores from our NASGA clone (if available).

Content Breakdown:

  • Content:
    • Game Name: The name of the game.
    • Game Dates: Shows the start and end date of the game, formatted appropriately (single day vs. multi-day event).
    • Location: Displays the city, state, and country of the game.
    • Registration:
      • If registration is open:
        • Shows a message indicating registration is open and provides a link to sign up.
        • Conditionally adds a message requiring login if the user is not authenticated.
      • If registration is closed:
        • Shows different messages depending on if the game has already ended:
          • Before end date: Informs users registration is closed but they can still view information.
          • After end date: Informs users registration is closed.
    • Description: Displays a formatted version of the game description (if provided). ADs you can use Markdown here to make it look nice
    • Actions:
      • If registration is open, displays a message indicating registration is open and a link to sign up. Conditionally adds a message requiring login if the user is not authenticated.
      • If the user has permission to modify the game, shows a link to view the game dashboard.
    • Athletes:
      • Displays a table with athlete scores (if available):
        • Athlete scores are displayed in rows, grouped by flight type. Each flight type has its own header row. Scores are included from:
          • Current flights for the game (if available).
          • Historic flights from a NASGA clone (if available and not a first party game).
        • Pending scores section (conditionally displayed if the user has permission to modify the game):
          • A header row displays "Payment Pending".
          • Only the athlete in question and a site administrator have the ability to remove you from pending. Read I'm stuck at payment pending for more info.