Standard Weights for Implements

Work in Progress! Still collecting some feedback before finalizing.

Heavy Athlete's Weight Matrix

Pro Men Amateur Men Pro / Amateur Women
Braemar Stone 20 Same as Pro 12
Open Stone 16 Same as Pro 8
Heavy Weight 56 Same as Pro 28
Light Weight 28 Same as Pro 14
Heavy Hammer 22 Same as Pro 16
Light Hammer 16 Same as Pro 12
Sheaf 20 16 10
WOB 56 Same as Pro 28

Weights are reported in pounds.

  1. All weights listed are the minimum weight allowed for the implement.
  2. The only implement with a maximum weight is the open stone. It must be less than or equal to the weight of the Braemar stone used by that class at that game.

Note: Hey Matt can we make shotputs official open stones here? I'm for it. Although I may mention it under legal lengths and whatnot.

Heavy Athlete's Masters Weight Matrix

Masters Men 40-59 Masters Men 60+ Masters Women 40-59 Masters Women 60+
Braemar Stone 22 12 22 12
Open Stone 16 8 16 8
Heavy Weight 42 21 35 14
Light Weight 28 14 21 9
Heavy Hammer 22 16 16 12
Light Hammer 16 12 12 8
Sheaf 16 16 10 10
WOB 42 21 35 14

Weights are reported in pounds.

  1. All weights listed are the minimum weight allowed for the implement.
  2. The only implement with a maximum weight is the open stone. It must be less than or equal to the weight of the Braemar stone used by that class at that game.

Heavy Athlete's Adaptive Weight Matrix

Seated Lower Limb Upper Limb Neuro-Muscular
Gender Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women
Braemar Stone 13 9 20 13 20 13 20 13
Open Stone 8 6 16 8 16 8 16 8
Heavy Weight 28 14 42 28 42 28 42 28
Light Weight 14 8 28 14 28 14 28 14
Heavy Hammer 16 12 16 12 12 12 16 12
Light Hammer 12 8 12 8 N/A 8 12 8
Sheaf 10 8 16 10 10 8 16 12
WOB 21 14 42 28 42 28 42 28
Weights are reported in pounds. Notes: 1. All weights listed are the **minimum** weight allowed for the implement. 2. The only implement with a maximum weight is the open stone. It must be less than or equal to the weight of the Braemar stone used by that class at that game. - [[Footnotes for Standard Weights|Review my reasoning]]

Heavy Athlete's Weight Matrix for Unlisted Classes

If your class isn't covered by one of the tables above it is probably because you are a sub class of one of the above. For example I know everyone just says "Lightweights" but the name of the class is "Lightweight Amateur Men". Therefore use the Amateur Men weight matrix.

A few other exceptions:

  1. Juniors:
    • I haven't added support for a Junior class. Review my reasoning
    • For now I would say they should use the Amateur matrix for their gender.
    • This effectively makes them a flight not a class.
    • If as an AD you choose to use a different weight matrix for Juniors, enter the results as custom events. This will allow the scores to recorded without polluting the main rankings.
  2. Novice:
    • This is probably contentious but I don't think Novice is a real class.
    • Heavy Athlete's motto is literally, "Learn, Compete, Celebrate". I believe novices have self admitted to being exclusively in the learning stage.
    • Once you compete I think you do so "for the love of thing" which by definition makes you an amateur.
    • Keeping track of everyone's first? first five? first how many? games as a separate class seems foolish.
    • Without strict rules, people would be able to drop down to novice just to chase glory.
    • The last thing to think about is what if a Olympian comes to our sport and competes for the first time as a pro? Do you want me to list him as Novice Pro. I won't do that.
    • In conclusion. Treat novices like rookies and take them under your wing. Help them learn, watch them compete and celebrate their accomplishments. But let them be amateurs while you do.

Other Organizations' Weight Matrices

Note: I have added critiques to most / all of these. I think that all of these are excellent and think highly of the people who took the time to write all this down but there are inconsistencies in every single one. Additionally basically none of them agree with each other on everything which is why we have constructed our own.


Men Women Master Amateur Men
Braemar Stone 20-26 13-18 No Change No Change
Open Stone 16-22 8-12 No Change No Change
Heavy Weight 56 28 42 or 56 No Change
Light Weight 28 14 28 No Change
Heavy Hammer 22 16 No Change No Change
Light Hammer 16 12 No Change No Change
Sheaf 20 12 16 or 20 16 or 20
WOB 56 28 42 or 56 No Change

Weights are reported in pounds. View the page I constructed this table from


  • Technically it would be possible for men to throw a heavier open stone than Braemar. I think this should be disallowed. Braemar should always be heavier than open. With this addendum I think the ranges are fine.
  • Instead of the x or y weights for masters and amateur men a lot of headache on my end could have been spared if they had simply listed them as x+ instead. I think that this is the start of that trend.


Amateur Master Pro Women
Event Standard MASA Wt. Acceptable Range Standard MASA Wt. Acceptable Range Standard MASA Wt. Acceptable Range Standard MASA Wt. Acceptable Range
Braemar Stone 25 22-28 25 22-28 25 22-28 15 13-18
Open Stone 16 16-22 16 16-22 16 16-22 10 8-12
Heavy Weight 56 56-57 42 42-43 56 56-57 28 28-29
Light Weight 28 28-29 28 28-29 28 28-29 14 14-15
Heavy Hammer 22 22-23 22 22-23 22 22-23 16 16-17
Light Hammer 16 16-17 16 16-17 16 16-17 12 12-13
Sheaf 16 16-17 16 16-17 20 16 or 20 12 12-13
WOB 56 56-57 42 42-43 56 56-57 28 28-29

Weights are reported in pounds. View original table


  • Its strange that Amateur Men can only throw the 16 and not the 20 in sheaf while Pro Men, it seems, have the option to throw the 16 or the 20 but 20 is preferred.


Men Women Masters Novice Amateur Men
Braemar Stone 20-26 13-18 No Change No Change No Change
Open Stone 16-22 8-12 No Change No Change No Change
Heavy Weight 56 28 42 42 No Change
Light Weight 28 14 No Change No Change No Change
Heavy Hammer 22 16 No Change No Change No Change
Light Hammer 16 12 No Change No Change No Change
Sheaf 20 12 16 No Change 16 or 20
WOB 56 56 No Change No Change No Change

Weights are reported in pounds. View the page I constructed this table from


  • Technically it would be possible for men to throw a heavier open stone than Braemar. I think this should be disallowed. Braemar should always be heavier than open. With this addendum I think the ranges are fine.
  • I don't think SHAG forces women and masters to actually throw the 56 pound for WOB but it is what the site says.
  • Strange to include Novice for a single event and match them to Masters without matching elsewhere

Scottish Masters

Men 40-59 Women 40-59 Men 60+ Women 60+
Braemar Stone 22 12 22 12
Open Stone 16 8 16 8
Heavy Weight 42 21 35 14
Light Weight 28 14 21 9
Heavy Hammer 22 16 16 12
Light Hammer 16 12 12 8
Sheaf ? ? ? ?
WOB 42 21 35 14

Weights are reported in pounds. View the page I constructed this table from

Note: This is a Masters organization so they only list masters weights. They are also partnered with Heavy Athlete so their weight matrix got particular favor when creating our own.

  • This data was pulled from their contested events page and Sheaf is absent. They in fact have records for Sheaf and list the 16 for all men's categories and 10 for all women's categories except for women 80+ which has no sheaf record.

Broken Caber

Seated Lower Limb Upper Limb Neuro-Muscular
Gender Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women
Braemar Stone 13-18 9-13 20-26 13-18 20-26 13-18 20-26 13-18
Open Stone 8-12 6-10 16-22 8-12 16-22 8-12 16-22 8-12
Heavy Weight 28 14 42 28 42 28 42 28
Light Weight 14 8 28 14 28 14 28 14
Heavy Hammer 16 12 16 12 12 12 16 12
Light Hammer 12 8 12 8 N/A 8 12 8
Sheaf 10 8 16 10 10 8 16 12
WOB 21 14 42 28 42 28 42 28

Weights are reported in pounds. View the page I constructed this table from

Note: This is an adaptive organization so they only list adaptive weights. They are also partnered with Heavy Athlete so their weight matrix got particular favor when creating our own.

  • For some categories the acceptable ranges for stones mean that technically it would be possible to throw a heavier open stone than Braemar. I think this should be disallowed. Braemar should always be heavier than open. With this addendum I think the ranges are fine.
  • For adaptive athletes in the Upper Limb Loss category they recommend only using one hammer for safety concerns. I find this to be totally reasonable. However I am unsure about how to report this for rankings. Should I merge Heavy and Light Hammer scores for athletes in this class to make it easier for ADs to enter? Should I overwrite what gets displayed to the screen for pages with this class or just report what the ADs enter? That second option is a large can of worms and if avoidable I would like to avoid that option. Under the women's category both hammers are listed anyway. What do I do about that?