Why Doesn't Heavy Athlete support Juniors?

First stop calling your kids heavy it can't be good for their self image. Nah I'm just joking I don't have kids and can't possibly tell others how to parent. But I do think getting your kids involved in a sport like this is a good move.

The reason I don't support a Junior Class is twofold.

  1. EU Privacy Law: I am not a lawyer and nothing I have ever said or will say is legal advice.

    • The EU has 3 or 4 categories that websites can fit in.
      1. Aimed at children. These are sites designed to appeal to children or with content appealing to children. eg. Gaming sites, Cartoon sites, some Educational sites. These have the strictest rules.
      2. Children are allowed. This is most sites and what Heavy Athlete falls under. To remain here we can't specifically target children on the site. Juniors is a hard sell in that regard.
      3. Children not allowed / Adult. I'm fuzzy on if this is one or two categories but for our purposes think porn and other age restricted content. Heavy Athlete does not and will not ever fall into this category.
    • But websites get tried based on the laws of where they are headquarters are and you are in Virginia. Very astute observation and good job actually reading the TOS. That's correct I shouldn't have to care about EU law. However Heavy Athlete allows international scores to be entered and don't want to have to explain this to a judge.
  2. Are juniors actually a class?:

    • I think that Juniors are actually a flight.
    • They kind of ride the border between the two but here is the difference. If they were a class they would really need to be multiple classes.
    • Just like parks and rec sports we would have to separate them into age categories and establish weights and rules for every age group.
    • While I was willing to do this for masters, all that work had already been done by others.
    • If heavy athletics explodes in the US or world at large and we start having parks and rec teams. I am willing to reconsider.
    • Until the community reaches a consensus though this seems like I would only anger most people.