Signing up for a Game

First things first this guide assumes you are logged in

To sign up for a game first navigate to the relevant Game Page.
If registration is open then in the Navbar you will see a link to join the game. Other ways to get to the correct screen include a link above the description and a link below the description.
When you click the link you'll be taken to the sign up page.
There are some page elements that only turn on if the Game Director has enabled the setting for the game.

  • Many games require a waiver. The AD has the option to use a electronic waiver signed via Heavy Athlete. If this element is available you will see a copy of the waiver rendered in the browser. There is also a link to view the waiver in a standalone page. To sign the waiver type your Heavy Athlete password into the provide box. That counts as a legally valid signature so read the waiver well. I am not a lawyer and nothing I say is legal advice.
  • Lots of games provide athletes with a "free" game shirt (you paid for it in your admission price). An AD has the option to collect athlete shirt sizes at sign up. This should be your shirt size as you will probably be wearing it game day. Additional shirts can probably be bought using the Game Shop
  • Next if the game is in Mixed sign up mode (mixed between solo and team signups) then you will see a selector for how you want to sign up. Solo is obviously if you are not on a team and team is if you are signing up a team.

From here there's a schism.

  • If you are signing up solo as in you will not be on a team. Then select the class you wish to sign up as. The options available to you are what you qualify for from the list of classes the game director made available.
  • If you are part of a team then Read this only one of you should have to go through this page. The person who registers the team is responsible for the total cost to enter the team in the game. It is up to you to collect the registration fees from your fellow teammates. Decide in your team who will be paying on Heavy Athlete before actually paying. If you overpay then the game director thanks you for your generous donation to the games. Only the team leader should still be here so you can select which class you are competing in just like you were a solo athlete (your teammates will get a chance to select later).

Then there is one final schism.

  • If the game is free the button at the bottom says "Sign Up". Clicking this will put you in the game.
  • If the game has a cost the a warning appears above the button telling you that it will redirect you to Stripe for payment and tells you what the game costs. If you don't think you should pay for a game (you are a pro or a judge or a volunteer don't click to pay. Contact the director as they have a way to add you to the game for free).

Once payment (if required) is handled on Stripe you will be taken back to the Game Page with a message at the top indicating that you have signed up. You should also see your name in the game's athletes section. If your payment has not settled on Stripe yet you can find yourself at the bottom of the list under pending. You can only see yourself under pending, the game director can see all pending athletes.

You will receive two emails from Heavy Athlete during this process. The first is to tell you that you have registered and your payment is pending. The second is the result of your payment either success or fail. If your payment fails and registration is still open you can attempt to sign up again.

If you are a team leader. You will get an additional email when your payment succeeds. This email will contain single use links to sign up for the game for free. Distribute these to your teammates one per member so that they can register for the game. The link will take them to a page which has its own walkthrough baked in for ease of use.