Obsidian: Powering Heavy Athlete's Documentation

What is Obsidian?

Obsidian is a powerful and flexible note-taking tool that we use to create and manage the documentation for Heavy Athlete.

Key Features

  • Stores everything in Markdown format
  • Integrates seamlessly with Heavy Athlete's Markdown-based systems
  • Free for personal use and for single-person companies

How We Use It

  1. We write all our documentation in Obsidian
  2. We use the Webpage HTML Export plugin to convert our notes into the web pages you see

Why We Recommend It

  • Perfect for learning Markdown, which is used throughout Heavy Athlete
  • Powerful features for organizing and linking information
  • We use it ourselves at Dark Stranger LLC (Heavy Athlete's parent company)

Our Endorsement

This isn't a paid advertisement – we genuinely love Obsidian and want to share this awesome technology with our community. It's a tool that has significantly improved our documentation process, and we believe it could be valuable for many of our users as well.

Give it a try and see how it can enhance your note-taking and organization!