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North American Championship Challenge Events
Date: 7/29/2018 - 7/29/2018
Location: Enumclaw, WA

Athlete Place Games
21' x 110
Score Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts
Spencer Tyler 1 3 12:00(1) 1000 36'-0" 998 17'-9" 884
Isaac Burchett 2 13 60(6) 540 30'-0" 831 15'-0" 747
Charles Kasson 3 15 80(5) 720 27'-0" 748 15'-0" 747
Kyle Lillie 4 16 85(4) 765 16'-0" 797
Andy Vincent 4 16 11:30(2) 970 27'-0" 748
Luke Crowley 6 17.5 27'-0" 748 16'-0" 797
Josh Goldthorp 7 18 55(7) 495 30'-0" 831
Edward Brown 8 21 2:45(3) 835
Jeremy Gillingham 9 23.5 27'-0" 748
Records: Field and World Record Set: Spencer Tyler - Pro Men - 20lb Sheaf - 36' 8"
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Athlete Place Games
18'4" x 64
Score Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts
Olivia Tyler 1 6 2:45(1) 877 34'-6" 956 17'-0" 846
Elissa Van Vleck 2 7.5 70(3) 662 34'-0" 942 17'-0" 846
Jessica Bridenthal 3 10.5 80(2) 756 32'-0" 887 16'-0" 797
Sultana Frizell 4 11 45(5) 425 32'-0" 887 17'-0" 846
Denise Greene 5 13 40(6) 378 18'-0" 896
Meagan McKee 6 15 55(4) 520 26'-0" 721 15'-0" 747
Records: Field & World Record Set: Olivia Tyler - Women - 10lb Sheaf - 34' 6"
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