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Wisconsin State Heavy Athletic Championship
Date: 8/9/2014 - 8/9/2014
Location: LaCrosse, WI

Athlete Place Games
Caber Sheaf WFH
Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Score Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts
Luke Crowley 1 9.5 48'-3" 765 42'-9" 858 79'-1" 844 12:00 836 26'-0" 721 16'-0" 797
Brian Hare 2 12 43'-2" 684 33'-1" 664 70'-11" 757 1:30 761 30'-0" 831 14'-0" 697
Rhett Bobzien 3 25.5 36'-6" 579 30'-10" 619 60'-5" 645 2:00 736 30'-0" 831 12'-0" 598
Dan Lucansky 4 32 38'-8" 613 25'-1" 503 53'-2" 568 10:00 736 28'-0" 776 13'-0" 647
Matt Wanat 5 33 40'-1" 635 31'-0" 622 57'-0" 609 70 527 20'-0" 554 13'-0" 647
Matt Davids 6 37 39'-2" 621 27'-9" 557 59'-9" 638 50 376 24'-0" 665 12'-0" 598
Andy Crowley 7 37.5 40'-5" 641 25'-3" 507 53'-3" 569 60 451 26'-0" 721 11'-0" 548
Matt Faltis 8 39 34'-11" 554 24'-9" 497 53'-5" 570 11:30 811 24'-0" 665 12'-0" 598
Brandon Uhler 9 52 36'-5" 577 24'-3" 487 53'-6" 571 50 376 24'-0" 665 10'-0" 498
Tim Schewska 10 52.5 34'-4" 544 24'-9" 497 18'-5" 197 80 602 22'-0" 610 11'-0" 548
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Athlete Place Games
Caber Sheaf WFH
Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Score Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts
Katie Steingraeber 1 11 39'-8" 629 34'-5" 691 58'-2" 621 12:00 877 26'-0" 721 15'-0" 747
Candice Mann 2 14 40'-4" 639 32'-7" 654 55'-10" 596 1:00 824 30'-0" 831 15'-0" 747
Juli Peterson 3 16 31'-5" 498 34'-7" 694 62'-4" 665 50 395 20'-0" 554 14'-0" 697
Jessica Hare 4 19 34'-7" 548 32'-9" 657 59'-10" 639 45 355 24'-0" 665 13'-0" 647
Topaz Schweska 5 30 24'-2" 383 24'-7" 493 43'-5" 464 40 316 18'-0" 499 11'-0" 548
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