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Weight City Highland Games
Date: 8/14/2010
Location: Clarksburg, MD

Athlete Place Games


Caber WFH
Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Score Pts Dist Pts
Beau Fay 1 90 38'-7" 831 50'-7" 802 36'-1" 727 72'-4" 777 88'-2" 707 108'-10.5" 722 55 420 14'-6" 722
John Collins 2 87 36'-4.5" 784 45'-2.5" 717 33'-9" 680 62'-11" 676 103'-8" 832 116'-10.5" 775 12:15 836 14'-0" 697
Michael Dickens 3 86 36'-8.5" 791 48'-6" 769 33'-10" 681 70'-4" 756 89'-3" 716 108'-5" 719 87 665 14'-0" 697
Mike Wills 4 72 32'-4.5" 697 42'-7" 675 30'-11" 622 58'-7" 630 76'-9.5" 616 89'-8" 595 85 649 13'-0" 647
David Marble 5 57 26'-7" 573 35'-4.5" 561 24'-6" 493 45'-11" 494 66'-6" 534 83'-0" 551 50 382 12'-0" 598
Bryan Stymacks 6 56 32'-7" 702 40'-10.5" 648 24'-11" 502 49'-6.5" 532 66'-3" 532 80'-7.5" 535 40 306 10'-0" 498
Gordon Greer 7 46 28'-2.5" 608 32'-10.5" 521 20'-0" 403 51'-3.5" 551 53'-7.5" 430 70'-4.5" 467 45 344 12'-0" 598
Jeff Richardson 8 36 26'-7" 573 32'-9" 519 23'-0" 463 36'-8" 394 57'-3" 459 68'-5" 454 25 191 11'-0" 548
Terry Cunningham 9 27 25'-11.5" 559 36'-10" 584 18'-5" 371 41'-1" 442 49'-5" 397 61'-9" 410 0 0
Gerald Witzman 9 27 23'-8.5" 511 28'-6.5" 452 17'-0" 342 56'-0" 449 71'-7.5" 475 40 306 10'-0" 498
Christopher Johnson 9 27 22'-3" 479 27'-3" 432 18'-4.5" 370 37'-8" 405 58'-1" 466 71'-3" 473 0 0 10'-0" 498
Brian Baggetta 12 8 19'-9.5" 426 27'-5.5" 435 13'-6" 272 33'-6" 360 40'-0" 321 51'-4.5" 341 0 0
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