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IHGF World Team Championships
Date: 7/18/2009 - 7/19/2009
Location: Antigonish, NS  Canada

Athlete Place Games


21'8 127lb
Sheaf WFH
Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts Score Pts Dist Pts Dist Pts
Sean Betz 1 21 41'-7.75" 897 50'-4.5" 799 42'-8.25" 859 84'-1.75" 904 108'-4.5" 870 132'-2.5" 877 2:15(3) 920 32'-0" 893 16'-0" 797
Greg Hadley 2 32 39'-5" 849 48'-5.5" 768 46'-0" 926 79'-7.25" 856 108'-5.5" 870 129'-9" 861 (4) 0 30'-0" 837 15'-0" 747
Larry Brock 3 34 37'-5" 806 46'-4.5" 735 45'-8.25" 920 86'-6.25" 930 106'-3" 853 131'-11" 875 11:00(1) 1000 30'-0" 837 14'-0" 697
Lyle Barron 4 36 38'-1.25" 821 43'-3" 686 42'-10.75" 864 76'-6.75" 823 112'-5.75" 903 132'-10.5" 881 1:00(2) 1000 30'-0" 837 15'-0" 747
Mike Zolkiewicz 5 39 41'-0.5" 884 50'-0" 793 42'-9" 861 81'-2" 872 96'-0.75" 771 113'-10.5" 755 (5) 0 30'-0" 837 18'-9" 934
Matthew Doherty 6 45 39'-7" 853 52'-7" 834 34'-3.75" 691 77'-4.5" 832 99'-8" 800 125'-7.75" 833 (9) 0 16'-0" 797
Will Barron 7 46 38'-1" 820 45'-0.5" 714 42'-8" 859 81'-11" 880 102'-6" 822 123'-8.75" 821 (6) 0 30'-0" 837 15'-0" 747
Dirk Bishop 8 61.5 35'-8" 768 42'-11" 680 39'-10.25" 802 69'-2" 743 102'-1.5" 819 120'-8" 800 (7) 0 26'-0" 726 15'-0" 747
Craig Sinclair 9 62 35'-7.75" 768 40'-9" 646 35'-7.5" 717 74'-10.75" 805 106'-6" 855 130'-7" 866 (8) 0 14'-0" 697
Tommy De Bruijn 10 63.5 38'-10.25" 837 46'-0.75" 730 31'-7.75" 637 65'-0.75" 699 98'-4.5" 789 116'-10" 775 (10) 0 15'-0" 747
Notes: Team Results 1st USA 1, Sean Betz, Will Barron 2nd USA 2, Larry Brock, Mike Zolkiewicz 3rd Canada 1, Greg Hadley, Matt Doherty 4th Canada 2, Lyle Barron, Dirk Bishop 5th Europe, Craig Sinclair, Tommy De Bruijn
Records: Mike Zolkiewicz World Record WOB 18'9" Greg Hadley Canadian Record 56wfd 46'0''
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