
On 2004-06-11

Location: None None, None


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Historic Scores
Athlete Name Open Stone Light WFD Light Hammer Caber WOB
Heather Brooks 30'-10" 50'-8" 70'-2" 12:30 10'-0"
Gillian Daughton 33'-4" 43'-11.5" 66'-2" 3:00 12'-0"
Colleen Millar 26'-7" 50'-0" 69'-8" 70 11'-0"
Amy Kabala 39'-1" 46'-0.5" 45
Ann Starr 23'-7" 46'-3" 60'-1" 55 13'-0"
Candy Starr 24'-0" 38'-0" 53'-1" 85 12'-0"