Spring Slam - Novice Games
Location: Milford MA, USA
Registration is open from 2025-02-02 till 2025-04-25 To sign up first log in
Greetings All,
This Spring Slam we are very pleased to announce our Novice Clinic and Games. Bring your own t-shirt and gear. Spread the word about this. Everyone is welcome. Home Games will not have a Novice Class this year, just Amateur Classes, so if you want to compete at Home Games, come to this one and get the baptism by fire, learn the events, and compete at Home Games.
10am arrival
11am start. Hope to be done by 2-3pm.
We will need support with setting up the standard so please arrive early to help out and get yourself set up as well.
Open Stone
Weight for Distance
Weight Over Bar
Moreover, we will have New England Stonelifting (NESL) giving demos and classes on traditional stonelifting. We hope to also have some Backhold and MAS Wrestling stations for fun, but yet to be confirmed. Play at your own risk!
ALL money for this will go towards Equipment Rental from Kenny G, and paying our Throws Coaches for coming out to teach us. NFG won't be taking any proceeds or profits for this. Yes $10 is cheap, if you want to donate more to the Coaches, Kenny G, NESL, then do it. This wouldn't be happening without them. They deserve it.
Not a Novice? Come out and use it as a warm-up practice / dress rehearsal to open the season. The Standards will be raised.
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Amateur Men |
Athlete Name |
Daniel Pfrang |
Amateur Women |
Athlete Name |
Anna Hullinger |
Jackie Esmay |
Danielle Sansoucy |
Lightweight Amateur Men |
Athlete Name |
David Williams |
Lightweight Amateur Women |
Athlete Name |
Mary Greagan |