Georgia Mountain Scottish Festival

From 2025-06-07 till 2025-06-08

Location: Hiawassee GA, USA

Registration is open from 2025-01-07 till 2025-01-07 To sign up first log in

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Masters Women
Athlete Name
Katherine Kreft
Amy Rushing
Amateur A
Athlete Name
Justin White
Dylan Williams
Daniel Goulet
Amateur B
Athlete Name
Brian Cavender
Andrew Elliott
Athlete Name
Alexander Elkins
Masters 60-69
Athlete Name
Randy McClure
John Owen
Bill Gray
Masters 40-49
Athlete Name
Matthew Patterson
Joshua Putman
Shay Moon
Allen Fagg
Mark Rice
Masters 50-59
Athlete Name
Bill Baxter
Brian Woodall
Jason Irvin
Jason Dunn
Michael Cotney
Junior Women's
Athlete Name
Calleigh Kreft