Hattiesburg Highland Games

On 2015-04-25

Location: None None, None


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Historic Scores
Athlete Name Open Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Heavy Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB
Andi Hannigan 20'-9" 22'-6" 40'-8" 38'-10" 35 14'-0" 11'-0"
Kimberly Bernier 20'-10" 16'-10" 28'-3" 41'-4" 20 12'-0" 12'-0"
Christie Stricker 22'-0" 16'-0" 31'-2" 39'-3" 85 12'-0" 9'-0"
Kendra Bersche 18'-0" 17'-9" 34'-4" 43'-2" 35 10'-0"
Alexis Henry 17'-1" 18'-1" 33'-0" 35'-8" 20 10'-0" 9'-0"
Amateur A
Athlete Name Open Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Light Hammer Caber
Tyler Thompson 37'-7" 24'-8.5" 53'-6.5" 74'-10" 12:00
Joseph Watkins 32'-5.5" 25'-0" 47'-8" 86'-4" 12:00
Jacob Phillips 32'-7.5" 21'-1" 40'-8" 85'-8" 12:05
Jarvis Barnes 32'-5.5" 18'-4" 35'-9.5" 84'-1" 12:15
Eric Holmbeck 30'-0" 19'-7" 35'-3" 60'-10" 12:15
Skyler Mcvey 30'-0" 15'-8" 35'-0" 1:30
Amateur B
Athlete Name Open Stone Heavy WFD Heavy Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB
Jeremy Boiling 36'-0" 20'-8" 52'-10" 12:00 22'-0" 10'-0"
David Courtney 29'-1" 20'-5" 51'-9" 12:00 16'-0" 10'-0"
Daniel Soley 30'-3" 16'-0" 49'-8" 11:55 20'-0" 11'-0"
Chris Buckalew 28'-9" 17'-6" 49'-1.5" 12:15 16'-0" 11'-0"
Tim Ilgunas 34'-5" 18'-3" 42'-2.5" 20'-0" 10'-0"
Clint Stone 27'-11" 40'-4" 89
Amateur C
Athlete Name Open Stone Heavy WFD Heavy Hammer Sheaf WOB
Adam Lopinto 31'-3.5" 15'-9" 41'-0" 16'-0" 10'-0"
Jesse Phillips 32'-2.5" 19'-9" 66'-4" 22'-0" 11'-0"
Joseph Phillips 28'-2.5" 16'-2.5" 48'-0" 18'-0" 9'-0"
Scotty Stewart 26'-10.5" 14'-11.5" 42'-4" 18'-0" 8'-0"
Jonathan Gray 26'-2" 12'-3.5" 27'-6.5"
James Phillips 26'-1" 18'-9" 56'-2.5" 20'-0" 11'-0"
Elisah Loper 24'-2" 14'-2" 51'-0" 16'-0" 8'-0"
Jay Holder 33'-5.5" 20'-5" 58'-11" 18'-0" 11'-0"
Master, Age 40+
Athlete Name Open Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Light Hammer Caber
John Micka 34'-4" 35'-7.5" 47'-1.5" 77'-6" 12:00
Heath Johnson 29'-8" 26'-8" 31'-7" 65'-3" 10:30
Chris Crampton 28'-10.5" 26'-0.5" 36'-5" 63'-7" 2:30
Calvin Gray 25'-11" 20'-11" 28'-9" 71'-2" 50
Bentley Carter 24'-10.5" 20'-11" 34'-5.5" 59'-9" 65
Roger Fox 23'-2" 17'-7" 24'-11" 49'-9" 45
Masters Women, Age 40+
Athlete Name Open Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB
Amanda Micka 23'-4" 35'-1" 51'-5" 71'-9" 12:00 21'-0" 16'-0"
Angela Rayburn 23'-11" 38'-9" 48'-6" 67'-4" 16'-0"
Kimberly Gray 17'-9" 15'-9" 31'-3" 52'-4" 11'-0"