Rio Rancho Highland Games

On 2002-10-19

Location: None None, None


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Historic Scores
Amateur A
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB
Andrew Hobson 34'-9.96" 37'-5.64" 75'-6.24" 115'-2.76" 1 24'-0" 15'-0"
Joe Slobodzian 30'-0.96" 17'-5.16" 56'-3.36" 79'-10.32" 2 24'-0" 14'-0"
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Light Hammer Sheaf WOB
Denise Hobson-Ryan 23'-5.76" 28'-2.64" 61'-9.12" 72'-5.4" 16'-0" 12'-8"
Doreen Hobson 22'-1.32" 26'-0.96" 55'-0" 63'-7.68" 16'-0" 12'-0"
Tonia Harris 22'-1.2" 22'-1.56" 33'-0.48" 42'-8.88" 13'-0" 11'-0"
Stephanie Baca 18'-2.16" 20'-7.2" 37'-10.32" 47'-3.36" 13'-0" 9'-0"
Teale Magierek 16'-5.04" 13'-7.2" 29'-11.52" 43'-0.36" 12'-0" 8'-0"
Amateur C
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB
Bill David 27'-5.28" 17'-1.56" 34'-11.52" 61'-5.4" 1 16'-0" 11'-0"
Lane Thompson 21'-7.8" 19'-3.48" 33'-8.28" 55'-9.84" 3 17'-0" 11'-0"
Carl Benward 24'-2.64" 15'-7.44" 35'-11.4" 58'-3.36" 2 17'-0" 10'-0"
Dan Herrera 24'-8.4" 14'-5.88" 36'-4.56" 59'-3.6" 5 17'-0" 8'-0"
Chris Anderson? 22'-10.56" 18'-5.16" 28'-4.68" 57'-6.6" 4 14'-0" 10'-0"
Chris Anderson 22'-10.56" 18'-5.16" 28'-4.68" 57'-6.6" 4 14'-0" 10'-0"
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB
Christian Montano 27'-10.68" 23'-9" 39'-4.32" 65'-6.6" 1 16'-0" 13'-0"
Joe Harris, Jr. 22'-1.8" 19'-4.92" 31'-0.6" 54'-5.88" 2 16'-0" 12'-0"
Hank Segura 22'-7.44" 21'-7.92" 28'-10.2" 60'-2.52" 3 16'-0" 11'-0"
Brennen Behne 19'-3.72" 18'-4.08" 27'-2.28" 50'-3.6" 4 14'-0" 9'-0"