Buffalo Heavies 1st Annual Games

On 2011-10-02

Location: None None, None


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Historic Scores
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Open Stone Heavy WFD Heavy Hammer Sheaf WOB
William Donnell 31'-8.5" 41'-5.5" 34'-2" 69'-3" 26'-0" 14'-0"
Bob Vail 28'-5" 37'-7.5" 27'-11.5" 59'-0.5" 24'-0" 13'-0"
Lou Iannone 25'-7.5" 34'-0.5" 26'-1.5" 59'-9.5" 24'-0" 12'-0"
Mike Landrich 27'-10.5" 36'-10" 32'-11.5" 50'-9" 18'-0" 12'-0"
Chuck Livingston 22'-3.5" 26'-6" 23'-6" 46'-5" 22'-0"
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Open Stone Heavy WFD Heavy Hammer Sheaf WOB
Robert Armstrong 23'-7.5" 26'-11" 24'-4" 41'-11" 14'-0" 10'-0"
Joshua Long 14'-10.5" 17'-8" 12'-4" 22'-5.5" 6'-0"