Jackson Ohio Highlander

On 2010-06-19

Location: None None, None


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Historic Scores
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Caber WOB
James Wakely 22'-2" 24'-4" 39'-2" 85 12'-0"
Amateur A
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Caber WOB
Andrew Durniat 30'-11" 28'-11" 56'-11" 12:00 15'-0"
Brian Wordon 28'-3" 20'-7" 42'-5" 2:00 13'-0"
Bryon Arena 31'-11" 22'-4" 46'-0" 0 12'-0"
Brent Barbe 26'-2" 27'-2" 52'-1" 80 11'-0"
Brian Lovette 24'-1" 18'-4" 31'-5" 50 10'-0"
Nathan Mitter 24'-1" 18'-4" 31'-5" 50 10'-0"
Nick Rosendaul 25'-5" 26'-4" 44'-10" 11:00 11'-0"
Mick Farraj 11'-5" 32'-6" 53'-11" 12:00 11'-0"
John Cottr 26'-9" 22'-3" 47'-3" 45 11'-0"
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Caber WOB
Ken Crum 30'-5" 36'-11" 61'-5" 12:00 17'-0"
John Shingler 30'-9" 34'-5" 60'-6" 12:00 14'-0"
Mike Landrich 28'-0" 31'-8" 50'-6" 85 12'-0"