Th' Gatherin' Ancient Festival O' Beltane

On 2010-05-01

Location: None None, None


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Historic Scores
Amateur A
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Open Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Heavy Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB
Spencer Tyler 22'-7.5" 42'-11.5" 37'-4.5" 79'-1" 96'-9" 12:00 30'-0" 16'-1"
Isaac Burchett 20'-1.5" 38'-10.5" 33'-11" 70'-2" 92'-10" 12:00 31'-3" 16'-1"
Jonathan Irvin 20'-4" 34'-11.5" 31'-4" 61'-5" 95'-5.5" 12:00 22'-0" 12'-0"
Chad Ullom 19'-1" 35'-2.5" 26'-8" 55'-0.5" 90'-10" 12:00 26'-0" 13'-0"
Joey Grieshaber 20'-9.5" 34'-7" 27'-1.5" 58'-8.5" 72'-0" 11:50 26'-0" 13'-0"
Scott Campbell 17'-10.5" 32'-11" 29'-5.5" 61'-11.5" 91'-7" 2:00 22'-0" 12'-0"
Wayne Kearns 18'-1" 32'-9.5" 27'-7" 58'-9" 80'-2" 22'-0" 11'-0"
John Holt 16'-7" 29'-2" 22'-11.5" 52'-3.5" 75'-7" 20'-0" 12'-0"
Rusty Redden 16'-2" 30'-9" 23'-8.5" 47'-3.5" 65'-5.5" 20'-0" 11'-6"
Douglas Kressly 16'-5.5" 28'-0" 18'-1.5" 49'-1" 66'-0" 18'-0" 10'-0"
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Open Stone Heavy WFD Light WFD Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB
Emily Burchett 23'-3" 32'-2.5" 38'-0.5" 65'-11.5" 70'-1" 1:00 22'-0" 14'-0"
Jamie Channel 24'-1.5" 31'-3.5" 35'-3.5" 63'-0.5" 65'-5" 1:30 20'-0" 13'-0"
Lori Myers 20'-1" 26'-1.5" 26'-0" 40'-4" 59'-5" 12:00 18'-0" 11'-0"
Jera Kressly 19'-2" 27'-4.5" 21'-8.5" 47'-5" 48'-1" 16'-0" 12'-0"