Celtic Harvest Festival & Highland Games

On 2006-10-21

Location: None None, None


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Historic Scores
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Open Stone Light WFD Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB
Chris Snider 27'-4" 32'-11" 47'-8" 86'-3" 12:00 20'-0" 12'-0"
Ivor Alcorn 25'-4" 31'-1" 46'-10" 76'-6" 12:05 11'-0"
Bill r Gordon 26'-0" 31'-5" 40'-6" 79'-11" 12:10 18'-0" 11'-0"
John Moody 26'-1" 33'-3" 34'-9" 75'-5" 11:00 16'-0" 10'-0"
Patrick Cameron 23'-8" 29'-8" 44'-0" 73'-10" 16'-0" 12'-0"
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Open Stone Light WFD Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB
Dave Carl 24'-3" 29'-1" 38'-6" 70'-1" 14'-0" 11'-0"
Ean Pokryfky 21'-9" 28'-4" 40'-0" 63'-1" 80 16'-0" 8'-0"
Erik Crooks 21'-6" 26'-1" 30'-6" 47'-5" 12'-0" 8'-0"
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Open Stone Light WFD Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB
Roland Drummond 25'-10" 31'-6" 47'-3" 79'-11" 12:00 20'-0" 13'-0"
Ken Green 26'-4" 31'-0" 35'-8" 66'-5" 16'-0" 12'-0"
Jerry Bowersox 22'-1" 26'-4" 34'-11" 61'-3" 16'-0" 10'-0"
Athlete Name Braemar Stone Open Stone Light WFD Light Hammer Caber Sheaf WOB
Terry Alcorn 23'-8" 29'-4" 33'-4" 54'-3" 16'-0" 12'-0"
Dan Drummond 26'-10" 30'-6" 28'-5" 49'-4" 14'-0" 11'-0"
Joel Saylor 18'-7" 22'-1" 29'-6" 53'-3" 55 14'-0" 8'-0"
Joe Lang 20'-11" 26'-3" 26'-4" 61'-8" 8'-0"
Seth Crooks 20'-9" 26'-10" 27'-11" 42'-2" 14'-0" 8'-0"